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Óleo de semente de cominho preto (500 mg)

kr 243 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Black Cumin Seed Oil (500mg - 90 softgels)
Unveiling the Ancient Powerhouse: Egyptian Cold-Pressed Black Cumin Seed Oil (500mg/Softgel)

Embrace the Timeless Legacy of Holistic Wellness

Black cumin seeds, also known as Nigella sativa, have captivated the world for millennia. Revered as the "seed of blessing" in ancient times, this remarkable herb boasts a rich history of use in various cultures for both culinary and medicinal purposes. At MCS Formulas, we're thrilled to offer Egyptian Cold-Pressed Black Cumin Seed Oil, a potent natural supplement brimming with potential health benefits.

A Treasure Trove of Bioactive Compounds:

Our meticulously cold-pressed oil preserves the full spectrum of Black Cumin Seed Oil's natural goodness. Each 500mg softgel delivers a concentrated dose of these powerful components:

  • Thymoquinone and Nigellone: These star players act as a dynamic defense against various health challenges, offering potent anti-inflammatory and immune-supporting properties.
  • Essential Fatty Acid Powerhouse: Bursting with Linoleic Acid, a vital omega-6 fatty acid, this oil contributes to heart health and a balanced inflammatory response.
  • Phytosterol Support: Backed by science, these plant-based compounds are known for their ability to promote healthy cholesterol levels.

Experience the Multifaceted Benefits of Black Cumin Seed Oil:

  • Blood Sugar Regulation: Supports healthy blood sugar levels, a valuable asset for those managing diabetes.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Powerhouse: Helps mitigate inflammation, potentially benefiting conditions like arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
  • Nourishing Skin and Hair Care: Provides deep hydration, reduces acne breakouts, and promotes healthy hair growth.
  • Immune System Guardian: Bolsters the body's natural defense system against infections and illnesses.
  • Improved Digestive Health: Aids in digestion and alleviates common digestive issues like bloating and indigestion.
  • Cardiovascular Support: The rich blend of fatty acids and antioxidants contributes to healthy heart function and improved circulation.
  • Weight Management Ally: Assists in metabolizing fats, potentially aiding in weight loss and overall metabolic health.

Why Choose Our Superior Black Cumin Seed Oil?

  • Unmatched Quality: Our Egyptian Cold-Pressed Black Cumin Seed Oil is meticulously extracted from the finest quality seeds, ensuring maximum potency and purity.
  • Convenient Softgel Delivery: The easy-to-consume softgel capsules eliminate the unpleasant taste often associated with liquid forms of Black Cumin Seed Oil.
  • Clean and Effective: Made with the utmost care to provide a highly effective, clean, and straightforward approach to daily supplementation.

Simple Usage and Storage:

Each bottle contains readily absorbable softgels accompanied by clear usage instructions to maximize the benefits. The product maintains its potency at room temperature, making storage convenient and hassle-free.

Embrace the Legacy and Experience the Benefits:

Join countless individuals who have experienced the transformative power of this legendary "seed of blessing." With each softgel, you unlock a chapter of ancient wisdom that seamlessly integrates with modern health needs. Our Black Cumin Seed Oil is ideal for those seeking a natural approach to supporting healthy blood sugar metabolism, boosting immune function, and enhancing overall well-being.

Harness the extraordinary potential of one of nature's most revered remedies. Add a bottle of our Egyptian Cold-Pressed Black Cumin Seed Oil to your health regimen today and embark on a journey towards holistic wellness.

Fatos suplementares óleo de semente preta

Tamanho da porção: 1 softgel
Número de partes por recipiente: 100
Por softgel: Óleo de semente preta [Nigella sativa]: 500 mg que fornece 275 mg de ácido linoléico

Outros ingredientes: Gelatina (gado), glicerina, água limpa

Livre para: OGM, glúten, trigo, laticínios, fermento, açúcar, sódio, sabor artificial, adoçantes, conservantes e corantes.

Uso recomendado: Como suplemento dietético, tome 4 softgels diariamente com alimentos ou conforme indicado por um profissional de saúde.

Armazenar: Armazenar em local fresco e seco.

Consulte os profissionais de saúde antes de tomar suplementos se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Não use o produto se a vedação de garrafa interna estiver ausente, rasgada ou danificada de alguma forma.
Este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.
Suplementos alimentares: não devem ser usados ​​como substituto para uma dieta variada e saudável.
Mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Não exceda a dose diária recomendada dos profissionais de saúde.

Isenção de responsabilidade: Permitido para adultos. Todo o uso de suplementos ocorre por sua própria responsabilidade e deve ser feita em consulta com um médico.
A dose diária recomendada não deve ser excedida.
O efeito deste produto pode variar de pessoa para pessoa.
Os suplementos não devem substituir uma dieta variada.
Deve ser mantido fora do alcance das crianças.

Dosagem recomendada: Salvo indicação em contrário, a dose recomendada 1 unidade declarada (comprimido, cápsula, colher de chá, bolsa, gota ou splash) é todos os dias.

O UNO Vita, como não afirma que os produtos que comercializamos podem curar doenças.

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