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Beta 1,3 D Glucan (Glucan 300) (60)

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Glucan 300® (60 capsules)
Worldwide wellness, one immune system at a time. Our highest dose of Pure Beta Glucan for those who want or need maximum immune support

Glucan 300® is the trademarked name for Transfer Point's highly purified Beta 1,3D Glucan and is well-established in marketplaces worldwide. With our 20+ year reputation in the beta glucan industry, we're known and trusted as the premier source for beta glucan for immune support. Glucan 300® is the sure way to offer your customers long-term immune support.
How Glucan 300® works

50 to 70% of ALL white blood cells in your body are ONE TYPE of cell:
NEUTROPHIL (pronounced: noo-truh-fil)

Your body produces approximately 1,000,000,000,000 neutrophils every day.

About 30% are normally active.
Normal, healthy populations of neutrophils usually involve about 30-31% activity. So, right now, almost 70% of your most abundant immune cell population isn't really doing anything important. These cells are an essential part of your immune response. 

Wouldn't it be nice to put this huge army of trillions of cells to good use?

Wake them up!
Neutrophils are your #1 immune cell in numbers, but it takes the worst invader, fungus, to really turn them on. This is where Glucan 300® fits into the big picture. It fills a gap (a receptor site) on neutrophils that allows them to "wake up" and get involved.

1) Glucan 300® travels through the stomach and is delivered to immune cells through the Peyer's Patches.

2) Immune cells digest the glucan and transport it throughout the body via the lymphatic system.

3) The digested glucan binds to specific receptor cites on immune cells; Now they are alert!


Neutrophils aren't the only immune cells to benefit from Glucan 300®. Macrophages, NK cells, and eosinophils also have receptor sites for beta 1,3D glucan. 

All of these cells together make up 75-80% of your total immune army.

Properly maintained and supported immune cells can do three important things:

Move Fast
When beta 1,3D glucan is bound to immune cells they become alert and move with a sense of urgency.

Fight Hard
"Eating" cells (known as phagocytes) will engulf more and digest faster with Glucan 300® bound to their receptor sites.

Increase Population
Beta 1,3D glucan supports the production of immune cells in bone marrow through production of GM-CSF
What if there isn't a receptor site for beta 1,3D glucan?
Glad you asked!

There are a lot of other cells and important parts of a healthy immune response that can benefit from the support of Glucan 300®, too. 

In other words...
Glucan 300® supports the body's immune response without causing overstimulation by binding to innate immune cells and priming them for high-level activity.

Visit our resource library to learn more about your entire immune system and how it protects you on a daily basis.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

(1) Vetvicka, V., & Větvičková, J. (2010). 1,3-Glucan: Silver Bullet or Hot Air? Open Glycoscience, 3.

(2) Hong F, Yan J, Baran JT, et al. Mechanism by which orally administered beta-1,3-glucans enhance the tumoricidal activity of antitumor monoclonal antibodies in murine tumor models. J Immunol. 2004;173(2):797-806.

(3) Vetvicka V, Richter J, Král V, Rajnohová Dobiášová L, Stiborova I, Pohorska J. Regulation of Hematopoiesis in Cancer Patients: Placebo-Driven, Double-Blind Clinical Trials of β-Glucan. Journal of Tumor 2015; 3(1): 305-308 

(4) Cramer DE, Allendorf DJ, Baran JT, et al. Beta-glucan enhances complement-mediated hematopoietic recovery after bone marrow injury. Blood. 2006;107(2):835-840.



What is Glucan 300®?

Glucan 300® is the most highly purified beta 1,3-D glucan commercially available. (Beta 1,3-D glucan is also referred to as beta glucan, glucan, beta 1,3/1,6 glucan, and more.)


Technically, beta 1, 3-D glucan is a poly-branched, poly-glucose complex fiber-like particle, also known as a complex carbohydrate or a polysaccharide.

Where does it come from?

Glucan 300® is derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Baker's yeast.) There are many different sources for beta glucan, but Baker's yeast has repeatedly proven to be the most biologically active source.

What does Glucan 300® do?

Glucan 300® supports a healthy immune response via the activation of specific immune cell receptors (more specifically: CR3, mac-1, CD11/CD18) *(1). Learn more about How it works

Is Glucan 300® safe?

Yes. Beta 1,3D glucan has been given a G.R.A.S. (Generally Recognized as Safe) rating by the USDA. There can be no known toxicity to receive this rating. Learn more about G.R.A.S.


It's safe for pets, too.


If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, under the age of four, have autoimmune issues, or have had an organ transplant, we encourage you to speak with your health care professional. We can provide research explaining the mode of action for Glucan 300® and can help your provider understand how beta 1,3d glucan interacts with immune cells. 

What if I am allergic to yeast?

Glucan 300® is highly purified and does not contain enough yeast proteins to cause an allergic reaction.

Will Glucan 300® cause a yeast infection or make one worse?

No. Glucan 300® does not contain any live yeast and will not cause or aggravate a yeast infection.

Does Glucan 300® contain gluten?

No. Glucan 300® does not contain gluten.

Does Glucan 300® contain purine?

No. Glucan 300® does not contain purine.

Does Glucan 300® contain any of the 9 major allergens? (milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, treenuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, and sesame)

No. Glucan 300® is safe for any person avoiding one or more of the 9 major allergens.

How much should I take?

Research using Glucan 300® supports a dose range between 2-20 mg/kg, regardless of age.


Glucan 300® works by binding to receptor sites on immune cells. In general, the more you take, the more binding you can expect, but every immune system is different.


Whether you choose the 100 mg or 500 mg capsules, most adults will fall into the range supported by research simply following the Suggested Use for each product. If you're still not sure how much to take, we recommend the 100 mg capsules, or speaking with your health care professional. We can provide published research for your health care provider detailing the mode of action and other functions of beta 1,3d glucan.


We'd also like to point out: Glucan 300® has been compared to many popular brands of beta glucan over the years, and it's all published, peer-reviewed research. The lowest recommended dose of Glucan 300® has repeatedly outperformed competitor's products at the highest levels measured. *(2, 3, 4, 5)


The main lesson here: Don't switch brands to take a higher dose. Transfer Point's Glucan 300® at the lowest dose still outperforms the competitor's highest dose.

Why should I care about Purity?

Expanding on the point above: Beta 1,3D glucan performs better when it's highly purified. Glucan 300® is guaranteed to contain at least 85% Beta 1,3D glucan complex. That's the highest minimum standard available, and it's also why Transfer Point's Glucan 300® is so much better than every other brand tested. *(2, 3, 4, 5)


It's worth repeating: Don't switch brands to take a higher dose. Transfer Point's Glucan 300® at the lowest dose still outperforms the competitor's highest dose.


How do you test for purity?

The only reliable test for beta 1,3D glucan content is the GEM assay. It's published in the USP and is considered the standard for determining beta 1,3D glucan content souced from Baker's yeast. It uses enzymes to determine the percentage of Beta 1,3D glucan complex and is a highly specialized method that requires expertise. Learn more about the GEM Assay.


Not everyone uses the GEM Assay to measure their label claims. If you've been looking into other beta glucans, make sure you ask about the method they use for determining the purity.



*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

What is Glucan 300®?

Glucan 300® is the most highly purified beta 1,3-D glucan commercially available. (Beta 1,3-D glucan is also referred to as beta glucan, glucan, beta 1,3/1,6 glucan, and more.)


Technically, beta 1, 3-D glucan is a poly-branched, poly-glucose complex fiber-like particle, also known as a complex carbohydrate or a polysaccharide.

Where does it come from?

Glucan 300® is derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Baker's yeast.) There are many different sources for beta glucan, but Baker's yeast has repeatedly proven to be the most biologically active source.

What does Glucan 300® do?

Glucan 300® supports a healthy immune response via the activation of specific immune cell receptors (more specifically: CR3, mac-1, CD11/CD18) *(1). Learn more about How it works

Is Glucan 300® safe?

Yes. Beta 1,3D glucan has been given a G.R.A.S. (Generally Recognized as Safe) rating by the USDA. There can be no known toxicity to receive this rating. Learn more about G.R.A.S.


It's safe for pets, too.


If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, under the age of four, have autoimmune issues, or have had an organ transplant, we encourage you to speak with your health care professional. We can provide research explaining the mode of action for Glucan 300® and can help your provider understand how beta 1,3d glucan interacts with immune cells. 

What if I am allergic to yeast?

Glucan 300® is highly purified and does not contain enough yeast proteins to cause an allergic reaction.

Will Glucan 300® cause a yeast infection or make one worse?


Long-Term Use of Beta Glucan to Boost Your Immune System
Longevity, vitality, endurance – everyone wants long-term health, no matter the word you use for it. 

As something that has been around – and studied – for decades, it makes a wonderful supplement for boosting your immune system in order to help you combat a variety of common ailments Americans face today.Let’s discuss how this works, the benefits you could potentially see, and how long you need to take them to get results.

How Beta Glucan Works for a Better Immune System
A balanced immune system is vital for a long, quality life. In a look at the innate immune systems versus adaptive immune systems (spoiler alert: they work together, not against each other), the “innate immune system is the body's first line of defense against germs entering the body.”(2)  In other words, it protects you from bacteria, viruses, fungi, and toxins – all the things that could make you sick.

When the innate immune system is imbalanced or compromised, you become more susceptible to anything from infectious diseases to just feeling sluggish and down.So while searching for the perfect supplement to boost how you feel in your long-term health, Beta Glucan is the best place to start.

Why’s that? Beta Glucan is the world's most effective and scientifically proven immune-boosting super supplement with no known side effects. (3)But first, how does it work? When taken with an 8-oz glass of water, it passes through the stomach into the small intestine – aka the gut. There, there are small areas of cells called Peyer’s Patches. In the Peyer’s Patches, there are a lot of different cells which have the receptor for Beta Glucan and can transport it to other parts of the body.Most importantly, the Beta Glucan is transported to your immune cells (called immunocytes). Beta Glucan can act like little additional “soldiers” to protect that line of defense.

Trained Immunity (TRIM)
To further understand how it works on your immune system, you can look at Trained Immunity (TRIM). This describes a functional reprogramming of these aforementioned innate immune cells.Trained immunity is the ability of the innate immune system, or immune cells, to “remember” a first challenge or foreign invader and then respond faster and with more vigor when faced with that invader the second time around.Something needs to stimulate the immune cells the first time around, however, in order to unlock this trained immunity. Current evidence has shown beta glucans can cause this direct stimulation of immune responses and act as “training agents” within the cells, helping them respond faster when combating foreign invaders.As you can tell, this little supplement goes on quite a powerful journey to help boost your immune system and overall health.So how does that benefit your everyday life, in layman’s terms? Trained immunity is the ability of the innate immune system, or immune cells, to “remember” a first challenge or foreign invader and then respond faster and with more vigor

Long-Term Benefits of an Immune System Powered by Beta Glucan
It works through Natural Killer (NK) cells.For context, Natural killer (NK) cells represent the first line of defense against infections to spontaneously kill virus-infected cells. Meanwhile, the effect Beta Glucan has on chronic illness has been studied, most notably stating that “as [an] immunostimulating agent, [it] acts through the activation of macrophages and NK cell cytotoxicity.” (4)It’ll help shorten the common cold.In two double-blind, placebo-controlled studies, “yeast-derived β-glucan was shown to significantly reduce the number of common cold episodes by 25% and led to a milder progression of severe common cold episodes.” (5)It can be hypoglycemic.Beta Glucan can become gel-like which slows down the digestion and absorption process. This, in turn, increases satiety – or that wonderful “full” feeling. In addition, short-chain fatty acids produced from bacteria that ferment Beta Glucan fibers may also increase satiety! (6)It could help fight viruses and infections.There are various studies, but it’s been shown that beta glucans can bolster the immune system to protect against infections, while a separate study at the same method can help reduce flu symptoms. (7)It helps fight seasonal allergies.Tired of drowse-inducing medications when it comes to allergy relief? Beta Glucan is a holistic solution to help support the immune system, which is key to regulating allergies caused by ragweed and cedar pollen. (8) (9)It helps with recovery and endurance in athletes.Any endurance athlete can relate to the cycle of intense training followed by intense illness. It turns out, there is a greater incidence of URTI among marathon runners. As we’ve reported before, a 2020 study found that marathon runners (with an ongoing history of URTI) who drank a beverage containing Baker’s Yeast beta glucan daily 45 days before the race and continuing for 45 days after, experienced fewer symptoms, including less nasal discharge and sore throat. (10)It was also shown to help relieve Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, lower inflammation, and help with mental focus. That’s something all athletes could benefit from during training

How Long Does it Take for Beta Glucan to Work?
We have discussed these “long-term” health benefits, but now you may be wondering how long it actually takes to actually see results. What length of time are we talking about here? Your curiosity is understandable!As mentioned in the very sophisticated processes of how Beta Glucan moves through your body, it takes about three days for your immune system to achieve a “peak” level thanks to the supplements. Although, you may feel an immediate influence on your immune system when you begin taking it.It’s important to keep in mind that Beta Glucan is not a short-acting drug intended for immediate relief, such as when taking an anti-histamine for allergies or a Tylenol for a headache. As mentioned, it's a supplement intended to be taken daily in order to achieve its maximum benefits.That’s because Beta Glucans remain in your digestive tract for a few days before flushing out. Once you stop taking beta glucan, the immune response returns to its original level of effectiveness – so it's an ongoing solution.

The Quality of Beta Glucan Matters When it Comes to Optimal Health
Not all forms or supplements of Beta Glucan are created equal. Beta Glucan in supplement form is divided by purity class. And here’s the kicker: only 10% of the supply is labeled as the “pure cut” for pure form.A study done by the University of Louisville cross-compared hundreds of immune supplements for both potency and efficacy. Glucan 300 Beta Glucan was found to be the most effective. Including:

  • 8x more effective than Maitake Gold 404®
  • 16x more effective than Pure Synergy® SuperPure® Beta 1,3-Glucan Algae Extract
  • 32x more effective than Immutol®
  • 64x more effective than Glucan Elite (BGF-Immune™)
  • 160x more effective than Immuniton™ NSC-100™

In other words, we are the sole owner of the purest Beta Glucan in the world! In fact, we test every batch to ensure such potency is retained.If you’re not purchasing from us, you are getting the other 90% in terms of quality. That means both the quick and long-term effects of Beta Glucan just can’t be measured in the same way.

What is Glucan 300®?
Glucan 300® is the most highly purified beta 1,3-D glucan commercially available. (Beta 1,3-D glucan is also referred to as beta glucan, glucan, beta 1,3/1,6 glucan, and more.) Technically, beta 1, 3-D glucan is a poly-branched, poly-glucose complex fiber-like particle, also known as a complex carbohydrate or a polysaccharide.

Where does it come from?
Glucan 300® is derived from Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Baker's yeast.) There are many different sources for beta glucan, but Baker's yeast has repeatedly proven to be the most biologically active source.

What does Glucan 300® do?
Glucan 300® supports a healthy immune response via the activation of specific immune cell receptors (more specifically: CR3, mac-1, CD11/CD18). Learn more about How it works

Is Glucan 300® safe?
Yes. Beta 1,3D glucan has been given a G.R.A.S. (Generally Recognized as Safe) rating by the USDA. There can be no known toxicity to receive this rating. Learn more about G.R.A.S. It's safe for pets, too.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, under the age of four, have autoimmune issues, or have had an organ transplant, we encourage you to speak with your health care professional. We can provide research explaining the mode of action for Glucan 300® and can help your provider understand how beta 1,3d glucan interacts with immune cells. 

What if I am allergic to yeast?
Glucan 300® is highly purified and does not contain enough yeast proteins to cause an allergic reaction.

Will Glucan 300® cause a yeast infection or make one worse?
No. Glucan 300® does not contain any live yeast and will not cause or aggravate a yeast infection.

Does Glucan 300® contain gluten?
No. Glucan 300® does not contain gluten.

Does Glucan 300® contain purine?
No. Glucan 300® does not contain purine.

Does Glucan 300® contain any of the 9 major allergens? (milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, treenuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, and sesame)
No. Glucan 300® is safe for any person avoiding one or more of the 9 major allergens.

How much should I take?
Research using Glucan 300® supports a dose range between 2-20 mg/kg, regardless of age.

Glucan 300® works by binding to receptor sites on immune cells. In general, the more you take, the more binding you can expect, but every immune system is different. Whether you choose the 100 mg or 500 mg capsules, most adults will fall into the range supported by research simply following the Suggested Use for each product. If you're still not sure how much to take, we recommend the 100 mg capsules, or speaking with your health care professional. We can provide published research for your health care provider detailing the mode of action and other functions of beta 1,3d glucan.

We'd also like to point out: Glucan 300® has been compared to many popular brands of beta glucan over the years, and it's all published, peer-reviewed research. The lowest recommended dose of Glucan 300® has repeatedly outperformed competitor's products at the highest levels measured. *(2, 3, 4, 5)

The main lesson here: Don't switch brands to take a higher dose. Transfer Point's Glucan 300® at the lowest dose still outperforms the competitor's highest dose.

Why should I care about Purity?
Expanding on the point above: Beta 1,3D glucan performs better when it's highly purified. Glucan 300® is guaranteed to contain at least 85% Beta 1,3D glucan complex. That's the highest minimum standard available, and it's also why Transfer Point's Glucan 300® is so much better than every other brand tested.
It's worth repeating: Don't switch brands to take a higher dose. Transfer Point's Glucan 300® at the lowest dose still outperforms the competitor's highest dose.

How do you test for purity?
The only reliable test for beta 1,3D glucan content is the GEM assay. It's published in the USP and is considered the standard for determining beta 1,3D glucan content souced from Baker's yeast. It uses enzymes to determine the percentage of Beta 1,3D glucan complex and is a highly specialized method that requires expertise. Learn more about the GEM Assay.

Not everyone uses the GEM Assay to measure their label claims. If you've been looking into other beta glucans, make sure you ask about the method they use for determining the purity.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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