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Schwesterelektriotherapie -Elektroden groß

kr 933 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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SIS 10cm×15cm (4×6 inch) large rectangular silver plated electrodes (4 in each package)

Unique SIS Electrode Features

  • Far higher electrical conductivity (5-400×, typical 100×) than standard electrotherapy electrodes:
  • Total bioelectrical circuit resistance on intact skin below 50 kiloOhms as standard and below 10 kiloOhms normally achievable.
  • Electrodes are applied with tap water and standard fixation tape.
  • SIS electrodes can conduct lower intensity and higher precision stimulation direct Output Currents and frequency based stimulation, using far lower voltages.
  • Optimal for extended applications.
  • Improved skin protection; electrodes can also be used over standard wet gauze.
  • Originally designed to meet the requirements and appropriate for high precision surface wound stimulation.

Further information
Typical self-adhesive hydrogel electrodes placed in contact with intact skin typically contribute between 1-2 and up to 4 megaOhms (4,000,000) of electrical resistance per pair. SIS electrodes typically contribute only 20-50 kiloOhms (50,000) under the same conditions.

Translated to clinical application, this means that to deliver 10 microAmperes of electric current (microcurrent) into the body with hydrogel electrodes would need 20 volts, which would damage skin and cells. In reality, with a lower applied stimulation voltage, that much current never conducts through the body. Using the SIS electrodes, only 0.2-0.5 volts would be needed to conduct the same microcurrent.

SIS -Elektrodenspezifikationen

  • Leitfähige pur-beschichtete Nylon- oder Silber-elektro-plattierte Variante mit (99+%) Silber (AG) Wirkliche Haut kontaktiert Stimulationsoberflächenmaterial.
  • Kann als hohe leitende Elektrotherapieelektrode und mit SIS -Maschinen zur Behandlung von Oberflächen- und Infektionen, Wunden und Geschwüren verwendet werden.
  • Neuseeländische regulatorische Klassifikationen: Klasse IIA (Hautelektrode), Klasse III (Iontotoresis -Elektrode).
  • Regulierungszertifizierungen (USA): Zugelassen für TENS, EMS, IF, NME und Fe's Stimulation.
  • Herstellungszertifizierungen: ISO 13485.
  • Biokompatibilität: ISO-biologische Bewertung, die auf Haut- und Zellzytotoxizität, Reizung und Überempfindlichkeit vom Typ verzögerter Typ getestet wurde.

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