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Gummiband Science ™ Neuro-MAG® Magnesium L-Threonat

kr 660 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Gummy Science™ Neuro-Mag® Magnesium L-Threonate
Natural Orange Flavor with other natural flavors

Supports memory, recall & cognitive health
Magnesium plays an important role in the brain. Our new Gummy Science™ Neuro-Mag® provides a form of magnesium that is well studied for cognitive health in a sugar-free gummy with a tasty orange flavor.

What are Gummy Science™ Neuro-Mag® Magnesium L-Threonate Gummies?
Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays an important role in the brain: it helps support short-term or “working” memory as well as healthy cognitive function. If you’re looking to support mind, memory, and encourage healthy recall speeds, check out Neuro-Mag® Magnesium L-Threonate.

Looking for a little short-term memory support?
Neuro-Mag® Magnesium L-Threonate is our customer-favorite form of brain-friendly magnesium.

Gummy Science™ Neuro-Mag® Magnesium L-Threonate Benefits

  • Promotes working (short-term) memory
  • Encourages healthy recall speed
  • Supports overall cognitive health
  • Special form of magnesium: the memory mineral

Different forms of magnesium can do different things. Take magnesium L-threonate, for instance: magnesium L-threonate helps support your working or “short term” memory: where you put your car keys, etc. It also helps with recall and overall cognitive function—so you’re less likely to wonder why you went into the kitchen in the first place or forget the milk next time you’re at the grocery store.

Gummy Science™ Neuro-Mag® Magnesium L-Threonate
Why Should I Take Life Extension® Gummy Science™ Neuro-Mag® Magnesium L-Threonate?

Boost your brain game with Gummy Science™ Neuro-Mag® Magnesium L-Threonate. Unlike other magnesium supplements, Neuro-Mag® is formulated with an absorbable form of this essential mineral, and this brain friendly magnesium supports healthy memory, recall speed and cognitive health. They’re sugar-free*, gluten-free, non-GMO and have a tasty orange flavor. So help keep your brain and cognitive function healthy. Choose Gummy Science™ Neuro-Mag® Magnesium L-Threonate, today.

Is magnesium L-threonate different from other types of magnesium?
While Life Extension offers several different forms of magnesium, an important mineral that supports different aspects of your health, they are not all made alike.

For example, magnesium oxide and citrate are good for their whole-body health benefits, especially bone and cardiovascular health, while magnesium acetyl taurinate is primarily used for stress management. But our Neuro-Mag® formulas stand out for how they benefit brain health. Each formula provides 2000 mg of magnesium L-threonate, an absorbable form of magnesium that supports memory and cognitive health, per serving.

Can you take magnesium L-threonate with other forms of magnesium?
While you should always consult with your healthcare provider when adding new supplements to your routine, it is generally considered safe to take more than one type of magnesium at a time to optimize your health strategy.

When is the best time to take this product? Should I take it with a meal or on an empty stomach?
While you should always take any product as directed on the label, this product can be taken any time of the day, with or without food, based on your preference.

How do I choose between the capsule, powder, or gummy versions of this formula?
Your choice depends on your personal preference. While each delivery form is different, the formula and expected efficacy of the product are the same—just remember to follow the dosing instructions.

Are there any differences in the gummy version of this formula compared to the capsule or powder versions?
Neuro-Mag® gummies contain the same type of magnesium as the other formulas. The key differences are in delivery form, serving size (4 gummies per serving) and the vegetarian distinction (these gummies are not vegetarian).

Can I take more than four gummies per day? Should they be taken together or in divided doses?
The recommended dietary intake for optimal health benefits is four gummies per day. Research suggests taking four gummies once daily is most effective, rather than consuming them individually throughout the day. Remember to always take any product as directed on the label.

Is this product flavored?
This product has a natural orange flavor.

What does this product use for sweetener?
This product uses maltitol and erythritol, sugar alcohols that naturally occur in fruits, as sweeteners. They are still sweet but contain fewer calories than traditional sugar.

How many calories are in each gummy?
There are 8.75 calories per gummy, adding up to 35 calories per serving (4 gummies).

Will this supplement interact with any of my medications?
There is no indication that the nutrients in this formula will negatively interact with prescription medications. However, if you want to know more about potential interactions when taking this supplement, we suggest discussing any concerns you have with your physician.

Has this product been tested for heavy metal contamination?
Yes. All of our raw materials go through stringent testing to meet our high-quality standards. Testing is also performed for microbes, heavy metals, potency, and quantity of active ingredients in the finished product. Only when raw materials meet Life Extension’s specifications are they released for production and every batch of finished product must pass quality testing to be released for sale. A Certificate of Analysis (COA) can be provided upon request for all our products.

Are there any known allergens in this product?
Neuro-Mag® Magnesium L-Threonate gummies do not contain any of the 9 major allergens required on the label under the Food Allergy Safety, Treatment, Education, and Research (FASTER) Act of 2021. This means they are free of milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, sesame, and soybeans.

Is this product gluten-free?
Yes, this product is gluten-free.

Is this product vegetarian?
No, this product contains gelatin derived from bovine (cow) sources.

Where is this product manufactured?
Gummy Science™ Neuro-Mag® Magnesium L-Threonate gummies are manufactured in Canada.

Informationen über Magnesium
Magnesium ist für über 300 biochemische Reaktionen im Körper unerlässlich und spielt eine wichtige Rolle im Nervensystem und im Gehirn. Leider erhalten die meisten Menschen nicht genug Magnesium aus ihrer Ernährung, und der suboptimale Magnesiumspiegel steigt mit dem Alter.

Unterstützt ein gesundes Gedächtnis und die kognitive Funktion
In einer randomisierten, placebokontrollierten Studie mit 44 Erwachsenen im Alter von 50 bis 70 Jahren wurde die Gruppe, die eine tägliche Dosis von 1,5 bis 2 Gramm Magnesium l-Treonat erhielt, in nur 12 Wochen signifikant verbesserte kognitive und exekutive Funktionen unterschieden.

Magnesium l-Treonat in Tierstudien
Nicht alle Magnesiumpräparate können leicht in das Zentralnervensystem aufgenommen werden. In tierischen Studien hat sich Neuro-MAG® Magnesium L-Treonat als gut im Gehirn erwiesen. In einer tierischen Studie erhöhte Magnesium den L-Treonat-Magnesiumspiegel der Cerebrospinalflüssigkeit (das Flüssigkeit um das Gehirn und das Rückenmark) in nur 24 Tagen um etwa 15%.

Ergänzende Fakten

  • Portierungsgröße: 4 Kaugummi Kaugummi
  • Portionen pro Behälter: 15
  • Menge pro Portion:
  • Kalorien: 35
  • Gesamtkohlenhydrat: 15 g
  • Gesamtzucker: 0 g
  • Enthält 0 g Zucker zugesetzt
  • Zuckeralkohole: 13 g
  • Magnesium (ab 2000 mg Magstein® Magnesium L-Treonat): 144 mg

Weitere Zutaten: Maltitol, gereinigtes Wasser, Erythrit, Gelatine, Zitronensäure, natürliche Aromen, Sonnenblumenöl, Reismehl, Annatto -Extrakt.

Magstein® ist eine Marke von Magceutics®, Inc. und wird ausschließlich von AIDP, Inc. verteilt. Magstein® ist unter einer Familie amerikanischer Patente geschützt und weltweit geschützt.

Dosierung und Verwendung
Kauen Sie vier (4) Kaugummi einmal täglich oder wie von einem Gesundheitsdienstleister empfohlen. Vor dem Schlucken gründlich kauen. Magnesium L-Treonat hat einen weniger Stuhlffekt als andere Magnesiumformen.

Halten Sie sich für Kinder unerreichbar. Überschreiten Sie die empfohlene Dosis nicht. Kaufen Sie nicht, wenn die externe Versiegelung gebrochen oder beschädigt ist. Bei Verwendung von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Arzt, wenn Sie sich für einen Krankheitskrankheiten behandeln oder schwanger sind oder stillen.

Für Erwachsene verwendet. Alle Zuschüsse werden in Ihrer eigenen Verantwortung stattfinden und sollten in Absprache mit einem Arzt erfolgen.
Die empfohlene tägliche Dosis sollte nicht überschritten werden.
Die Auswirkung dieses Produkts kann von Person zu Person variieren.
Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sollten keine abwechslungsreiche Ernährung ersetzen.
Sollte von Kindern außer Reichweite gehalten werden.

Empfohlene Dosierung: Sofern nicht anders angegeben, ist die empfohlene Dosierung 1 angegeben (Tablette, Kapsel, Teelöffel, Beutel, Tropfen oder Spritzer) jeden zweiten Tag.
UNO Vita wie nicht behauptet, dass die von uns vermarkteten Produkte Krankheiten heilen können.

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