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Fisetin Pro Liposomal, 150 mg

kr 585 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Fisetin Pro Liposomal (150 mg - 60 capsules)

Fisetin Pro Liposomal: Unlocking the Power of Nature for Your Well-Being
Are you ready to enhance your health and longevity? Look no further than Fisetin Pro Liposomal, a cutting-edge dietary supplement designed to harness the remarkable benefits of fisetin. Let's delve into the science behind this extraordinary compound and discover why it's gaining widespread attention.

The Fisetin Advantage
What Is Fisetin?
Fisetin is a potent phytoflavonoid found naturally in various foods, including onions, cucumbers, mangoes, apples, strawberries, kiwis, grapes, wine, and nuts. Its diverse presence in our diet underscores its significance as a health-promoting compound.

Maximized Absorption, Minimal Effort
Our Fisetin Pro Liposomal capsules offer a convenient way to incorporate this remarkable nutrient into your daily routine. Here's why they stand out:

  • High Dose, High Purity: Each capsule packs a robust 150mg of Fisetin, sourced from the revered Smoketree. This substantial dosage ensures you receive the full benefits of this plant extract. Our commitment to quality is unwavering. Before manufacturing, we rigorously test our Fisetin for purity using Eurofins, an internationally recognized laboratory. You can trust that what you're getting is top-notch.
  • Unmatched Absorption: We've revolutionized Fisetin delivery with our New Liposomal Formula. By blending phospholipids from organic sunflower lecithin and chitosan, we create neutrally charged liposomes (LongLifeLipoTech™). These tiny protective bubbles enhance absorption up to 20 times compared to regular supplements, ensuring Fisetin reaches its target cells effectively.
  • Taste-Free Experience: Say goodbye to the unpleasant taste associated with liquid liposomal products. Our Dry Liposomal in Capsule technology allows us to encapsulate the formula without compromising on effectiveness. No more battling bitterness!
  • European Excellence: Crafted in the Netherlands, our Fisetin Pro Liposomal capsules adhere to the highest standards. You're investing in quality backed by European expertise.

Why Choose Fisetin?
A Multifaceted Approach to Well-Being:Fisetin's potential benefits extend far and wide, making it a well-rounded choice for those seeking to optimize their health:

  • Cellular Rejuvenation: Studies suggest Fisetin may support the body's natural process of eliminating senescent cells, which contribute to aging and age-related health issues. By promoting healthy cellular function, Fisetin may contribute to longevity.
  • Cognitive Enhancement: Research indicates Fisetin may play a role in enhancing mental clarity and cognitive function.
  • Overall Well-being: Fisetin's anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties may benefit various bodily functions and promote overall well-being.
  • Broad Spectrum of Health Support: Fisetin offers potential benefits for lung, skin, and brain health, and may also support conditions like arthritis, breast health, colon health, and prostate health.

Unlocking the Potential of Fisetin
Fisetin Pro Liposomal is your ally on the path to vibrant health. Join the growing community of wellness enthusiasts who recognize the potential of this natural wonder.

Remember, liposomal supplements are absorbed up to 20 times better than regular supplements. Elevate your well-being with Fisetin Pro Liposomal – where science meets nature to unlock a healthier, more vibrant you.

Ergänzende Fakten
Serviergröße: 1 Kapsel
Anzahl der Portionen pro Behälter: 60

Fisetin aus dem roten Raucher (Cotinus coggibria): 150 mg
Pro liposomale Mischung: 100 mg

Andere Zutaten:
Pro liposomale Mischung (Longlifelipotech ™): Phospholipide aus organischen Sonnenblumen -Selekitin und Kitosan aus Schalentieren, HPMC (vegane Kapseln). Keine Zusatzstoffe.

Beinhaltet nicht: 
Gluten, Laktose, GVO, Soja, Konservierungsmittel, künstliche Farben und Aromen, Füllstoffe

Nehmen Sie 1 bis 2 bis 2 Mal täglich, 30 Minuten vor dem Essen oder wie von einem Gesundheitsdienstleister angewiesen.

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Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sollten nicht als Ersatz für eine abwechslungsreiche und gesunde Ernährung verwendet werden. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern. Überschreiten Sie die empfohlene Tagesdosis nicht.

Die Auswirkung dieses Produkts kann von Person zu Person variieren. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sollten keine abwechslungsreiche Ernährung ersetzen. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern.

Empfohlene Dosierung:
Sofern nicht anders angegeben, ist die empfohlene Dosierung 1 angegeben (Tablette, Kapsel, Teelöffel, Beutel, Tropfen oder Spritzer) jeden zweiten Tag.

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