Breite Spektrum fermentierte Aminos mit BCAAs
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Broad Spectrum Fermented Aminos with BCAAs – Vegan – Free Form / Pre-Digested – Concentrated Protein (120 capsules)
Repair & Recovery – Maximum Bioavailability
Our formula contains a broad range of amino acids including BCAAs in pre-digested form, ready to be used by the body.
Broad Spectrum Fermented Aminos with BCAA is a supplement composed of plant-based amino acids, including corn, soy, and rice. These amino acids are fermented for enhanced bioavailability and digestibility. Amino acids, the protein building blocks, are vital for muscle growth, tissue repair, and hormone regulation. BCAA, or branched-chain amino acids, consists of three essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. BCAAs are metabolized in the muscles, making them crucial for muscle protein synthesis, energy production, and recovery.
This supplement offers several health benefits:
- Boosts muscle growth by stimulating muscle protein synthesis, particularly via leucine activation.
- Reduces muscle soreness and enhances tissue repair post-exercise.
- Improves exercise performance by providing an energy source for muscles during intense workouts and delaying fatigue onset.
- Supports immune system health by enhancing immune cell function and reducing inflammation.
- Improves gut health by acting as prebiotics and protecting the gut lining from damage.
- Balances blood sugar levels by improving insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake, potentially preventing or treating metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.
✔️BLEND OF ESSENTIAL & NON-ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS WITH BCAAs. Contains essential amino acids including the 3 branched-chain amino acids (L-leucine, L-isoleucine & L-Valine) and additional non-essential amino acids.
✔️ESSENTIAL BUILDING BLOCKS FOR REPAIR & PERFORMANCE. Essential amino acids and branched chain amino acids (BCAA) are building blocks the body cannot produce on its own and therefore must be received through our diets. They are required to build new muscle, repair existing muscle, and synthesize neurotransmitters that facilitate cognitive function.
✔️UK MADE TO HIGH QUALITY GMP STANDARDS. Our Broad Spectrum Fermented Aminos is manufactured in the UK to GMP standards, ensuring the highest quality.
✔️100% VEGAN WITH NO FILLERS, BINDERS OR ADDITIVES. At Time Health we believe in clean nutrition which is why you won’t find any nasty stuff in our products including any binders, fillers or additives, unlike some of our competitors.
Disclaimer:These statements have not been evaluated by any official health authority. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Ergänzende Fakten
Zutaten (Menge pro 2 Kapseln):301 mg Glycin, 182 mg l-Prolin, 161 mg Hydroxyprolin, 133 mg L-Alanin, 133 mg L-Glutaminsäure, 105 mg L-Arginin, 77 mg L-Spartinsäure, 49 mg L-Lysin HCI, 49 Mg L-Serie, 42 mg L-Leucin, 35 mg L-Valin, 35 mg L-Phenylalanin, 28 mg L-Tree, 28 mg L-Isoleucin, 14 mg L-Histidin, 11 mg L-Tyrosin, 10 mg l -Methionin, 7 mg Hydroxyylyse.Andere Zutaten: Sonnenblumen -Lecitin.
Dies ist ein 100% veganes Produkt.
Empfohlene Nutzung:
Als Ernährung für Erwachsene.
Nehmen Sie zwei zweimal täglich oder 2 Kapseln 15 Minuten nach dem Training oder gemäß Anweisungen von Angehörigen der Gesundheitsberufe.
Überschreiten Sie die empfohlene Tagesdosis nicht.
Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sollten nicht als Ersatz für eine abwechslungsreiche Ernährung verwendet werden.
Nicht für schwangere oder stillende Frauen geeignet.
Für Erwachsene über 18 Jahre erlaubt. Alle Zuschüsse werden in Ihrer eigenen Verantwortung stattfinden und sollten in Absprache mit einem Arzt erfolgen. Die empfohlene tägliche Dosis sollte nicht überschritten werden. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sollten keine abwechslungsreiche Ernährung ersetzen. Sollte von Kindern außer Reichweite gehalten werden
Empfohlene Dosierung: Wenn nicht angegeben ist
Reservierungen. Uno Vita behauptet nicht Dass die Produkte, die wir vermarkten, Krankheiten heilen können.