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Aktiv H - Tag (60)

kr 564 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Active H® day (60 capsules)
Colloidal microcluster mineral complex - The antioxidant with the world's strongest redox potential
Colloidal Silica Microcluster mineral complex with potassium - For cell energy and against oxidative stress.

Active H® is without following substances:

  • Without GMO
  • Without animal testing
  • Without additives
  • Without pesticides

Active H® is good for:
dr.reinwald vital - gut fürs Immunsystem immune system
dr.reinwald vital - gut für den Zellschutz cell protection

Active H® – the antioxidant with the world’s strongest redox potential!

Active H® day – Antioxidants for cell energy and against oxidative stress
Antioxidants such as vitamins, secondary plant substances (polyphenols) or protein precursors such as glutathione are natural “rust guards” and protect all organisms in nature from attacks by free radicals – aggressive, reactive and harmful molecules that arise through stress, poor diet, environmental toxins als well as waste products from most metabolic processes (cell respiration/oxidation) in the human body.

Active hydrogen is a superior antioxidant
Colloidal cluster structures, such as occur in silicon compounds, are naturally amorphous and therefore adsorb substances very easily. Therefore, colloidal silica is liable to e.g. to bind hydrogen particles loosely during conventional hydrogenation and to “store” significant amounts of hydrogen, in particular as hydride ions (H-) or so-called “active hydrogen”.

Negatively charged hydrogen ions (H-) are the smallest, low molecular weight (i.e. able to penetrate cell walls) and yet most powerful antioxidants (approx. -710mV) known in the scientifc world. At the same time they are the ultimate scavengers for free radicals, because they own an excess electron to neutralize such radicals. Active hydrogen occur predominantly in fresh fruit and vergetables as well as in fresh spring water. It is extremely volatile and reactive, which is why it is often not available to us to sufficient degree.

Active H ® day – as a complex with potassium / silica / boron / selenium / Vitamin B6 – contributes to the normalization of

  • cell protection against oxidative stress (neutralization of free radicals)
  • cell energy production (ATP)
  • reduction of tiredness and fatigue
  • cognitive function (mental energy)
  • immune system (defense power)
  • acid-base balance (pH-milieu)
  • nutrient metabolism in the body

Use of Active H®

  • to enhance and supplement food daily
  • at a lack of energy, tiredness and fatigue
  • at / for increased physical and mental performance as well as sport
  • to balance a one-sided or excessively acidic diet
  • for smokers and environmental pollution
  • during / for alkaline and excretion cures, or weight loss diets

As a natural source of hydride ions, Active H® is used in particular for the nutrition of persons with a lack of hydrogen or electrons as well as deficient cell energy.

Redox potentials (ORP) of vitamins and other antioxidants
The redox potential is a description of the antioxidant power. The diagram shows that Active H® (approx. -710mV) is more than twice as strong as NADH (approx. -320mV) and is about 99x stronger than vitamin C (approx. + 80mV)

Active H® day and its cofactors
Our dr.reinwald vital products have been designed as complex formulations. These active complexes are far more efficient than mono-substances, as they provide the organism with the important synergists and cofactors it needs to optimally support the controlled metabolic processes.

ActiveH® day is a colloidal microcluster mineral complex that guarantees optimal effect and bioavailability through the combination of active hydrogen and other important nutrients such as silicon, boron, selenium, vitamin B6 and soothing magnesium and selenium.

Tri-kalium-Sitrat (81%), Kapselschalen: Hydroxypropylmethylmethyltulose, kolloidales Siliziumdioxid, Natriumtetraborat, Selenimmetionin, Pyridoxinhydrochlorid (Vitamin B6).

Die Magensäurezell -Cellulosekapseln sollen die Wechselwirkung von überschüssigen Elektronen mit Protonen -Rich -Magensaft verhindern. Dies bleibt einerseits der Magenverdauung mit Säure und andererseits die hohe Dichte der Elektronen in den Mikroklonen.

60 Kapseln (Magensäurestabil) / 46 g, 30 Tage ausreichend.

Empfohlene Aufnahme
Nehmen Sie am Abend 2 Kapseln mit hochwertigem Wasser.
Nehmen Sie für hohe oxidative Belastungen und vor körperlicher Aktivität weitere 2 Kapseln pro Tag.
Abend und Nacht nehmen Sie die aktive H® -Nacht mit Magnesium.

Es sind keine Beschränkungen oder Inkonsistenzen bekannt.
Geeignet für Veganer.

Für Erwachsene über 18 Jahre erlaubt. Alle Zuschüsse werden in Ihrer eigenen Verantwortung stattfinden und sollten in Absprache mit einem Arzt erfolgen. Die empfohlene tägliche Dosis sollte nicht überschritten werden. Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sollten keine abwechslungsreiche Ernährung ersetzen. Sollte von Kindern außer Reichweite gehalten werden
Empfohlene Dosierung: Wenn nicht angegeben ist
Reservierungen. Uno Vita behauptet nicht Dass die Produkte, die wir vermarkten, Krankheiten heilen können. 

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