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Super Omega-3 Plus (120 Kapseln)

kr 727 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Super Omega-3 Plus EPA/DHA with Sesame Lignans, Olive Extract, Krill & Astaxanthin
120 softgels

Researchers have long known the benefits of the omega-3 fatty acids found in the Mediterranean diet, but now a new branch of research is showing surprising results: omega-3 fatty acids from different sources have complementary benefits throughout the body. As part of our OMEGA FOUNDATIONS® line, Super Omega-3 Plus EPA/DHA with Sesame Lignans, Olive Extract, Krill & Astaxanthin provides omega-3 fatty acids from krill oil and fish oil, which together have been shown to provide enhanced support for your cardiovascular system and your brain.

Benefits at a Glance

  • Provides two complementary sources of omega-3 fatty acids
  • Krill oil and fish oil have been shown to support cardiovascular health and the brain
  • Unique formula provides antioxidant support
  • Sesame lignans guard against lipid peroxidation, thus extending stability of DHA in the body
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary to help counter excessive omega-6 fatty acid consumption

Dietary studies suggest that most Americans consume too many pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids relative to the omega-3 fatty acids that are a major component of the Mediterranean diet. Both fish oil and krill oil provide omega-3 fatty acids to help restore the omega-6/omega-3 balance. Research has also shown that consuming omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil results in more rapid uptake into plasma triglyceride and platelet phosopholipids, which provides targeted benefits to the cardiovascular system.Similarly, the omega-3s found in krill oil are incorporated more rapidly into the red blood cell phospholipids, which are quickly absorbed into brain cells.

Made with fish oil so pure, it exceeds international standards.

Tillatt brukt for voksne over 18 år. Kan være helseskadelig for barn og unge under 18 år. All bruk av tilskudd foregår på eget ansvar og bør skje i samråd med lege. Om ikke er angitt er anbefalt dosering 2 oppgitte enheter (tablett, kapsle, teskje, pose, dråpe eller sprut) pr. dag

Forbehold. Uno Vita hevder ikke at produktene vi markedsfører kan kurere sykdom. 



Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Eva Meland

Super Omega-3 pluss (120 kapsler)