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Venoflow (30)

kr 741 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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30 vegetarian capsules 
Maintaining healthy blood flow in your arms, legs, and extremities is particularly important for older adults, as well as those forced to endure extended periods of immobility such as long-distance travelers or office workers. Our unique VenoFlow™ formula combines the potent nattokinase enzyme with Pycnogenol® French maritime pine bark extract to support healthy blood flow, vascular function, and the body’s natural, healthy blood clotting processes.

Benefits at a Glance:

  • Powerful dual-action formula for vascular health
  • Encourages healthy circulation and blood flow
  • Promotes the body’s natural, healthy clotting process
  • Helps maintain healthy blood pressure already within normal range
  • How immobility can affect vascular health

Blood flow, or circulation, is primarily powered by your heart — but the movement of blood throughout your body is also naturally aided by muscle movement. However, this natural pumping action is only effective when we are physically active. New evidence suggests that the vascular health risks of a sedentary lifestyle or forced immobility, such as when recovering from injury, illness, or engaging in long-distance travel, are serious enough that they should not be ignored — especially for older individuals with limited mobility or infrequent exercise. Even healthy professionals who sit for long periods at work should be concerned.

Nattokinase supports the natural clotting process
Nattokinase is an enzyme extracted from fermented soybeans. In animal models, nattokinase was found to break down fibrinogen in the blood, supporting the body’s natural blood clotting process. This in turn helped maintain healthy blood pressure levels already within normal range.
Pycnogenol® promotes healthy endothelial and vascular function
Pycnogenol® is an extract of French maritime pine bark with well-documented effects on vascular health. Pycnogenol® contains procyanidin flavonoids, powerful antioxidant compounds that can help reduce chemical stress on the delicate vascular walls which can affect healthy blood flow and vascular function.
Pycnogenol® also boosts the production of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), which encourages healthy nitric oxide levels in the blood. Pycnogenol® has been shown to improve endothelial function and arterial blood flow.
Pycnogenol® also helps promote a healthy inflammatory response and can inhibit platelet aggregation,4 both important factors for maintaining healthy circulation.

Add VenoFlow™ to your health regimen
Don't ignore the potential health risks of prolonged immobility or long-distance travel. Include VenoFlow™ in your daily health regimen. It is the perfect vascular health supplement for travelers or those forced to endure a lack of movement.

Fakten ergänzen
Serviergröße 1 vegetarische Kapsel

Menge pro Portion
Venoflow ™ Proprietary -Mischung
Pycnogenol® French Maritime Pine Extract (Rinde) [STD. Zwei 65% Procyanidine], Nachtochinase (aus Soja -Natto -Extrakt) [Bereitstellung von 2.000 fibrinolytischen Einheiten] 200 mg

Andere Inhaltsstoffe: mikrokristalline Cellulose, pflanzliche Cellulose (Kapsel), Dextrin, Stearinsäure, Siliciumdioxid. Nicht-Gentor

Enthält Sojabohnen. Pycnogenol® ist eine eingetragene Marke von Horpag Research Ltd.

Dosierung und Verwendung
Nehmen Sie täglich eine (1) Kapsel mit oder ohne Nahrung oder wie von einem Gesundheitswesen empfohlen.
Wenden Sie sich vor dem Einsatz an Ihren Gesundheitsdienstleister, wenn Sie Medikamente einnehmen (insbesondere diejenigen, die Blutgerinnung oder Blutdruck beeinflussen).

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Überschreiten Sie die empfohlene Dosis nicht
Kaufen Sie nicht, wenn die Außenversiegelung gebrochen oder beschädigt ist.
Bei Verwendung von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Arzt, wenn Sie sich für einen Krankheitskrankheiten behandeln oder vor -Examinant oder stillend sind.

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