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Katzenmischung - 100 Gramm

kr 314 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Cat Mix - 100 grams 
Our perfect nutrient mix for kitty

Everybody has nutritional needs, including your cat. Our high-quality pet supplement for cats provides nutritional support to help keep your pet healthy. Gluten free Non-GMO.

What Is Cat Mix?
Cats have their own nutritional needs to suit their systems, especially since (unlike modern domesticated dogs) they are carnivorous. With this comes many other dietary needs that may not be met by cat food alone. Supplementing your cat’s diet helps ensure that they’re getting enough vital nutrients to maintain overall health. Your cat may not be getting enough essential nutrients from diet alone. Cat Mix helps maintain optimal nutrition.

Cat Mix Benefits

  • Helps promote heart, kidney & eye health with taurine
  • Contains arginine to support normal heart, kidney & pancreatic function as well as gut health
  • Promotes cardiovascular health with B vitamins
  • Encourages optimal health with high-quality ingredients

Product Details
Pets are often considered cherished family members deserving of our utmost attention and care, especially when it comes to their nutritional needs. Over the years, the pet food industry has flourished, yet it's worth questioning whether your feline friend is truly receiving all the nutrients they require for optimal health.

Special Diet Required for Cats
Cats, initially domesticated to control pests like rats and mice, have evolved into loving household companions. While they share some dietary needs with dogs, cats are obligate carnivores with digestive systems tailored to metabolize animal proteins.

Essential nutrients like taurine and arginine are crucial for a cat's well-being. Taurine is indispensable for maintaining heart, kidney, and eye health, while arginine aids in detoxifying ammonia in the kidneys. It also supports optimal heart, pancreatic function, and gut health. Arachidonic acid is another key fatty acid for cats, as they cannot significantly convert linoleate to arachidonate. Additionally, B vitamins are needed to support the cardiovascular system.

Unlike omnivores such as dogs and humans, cats face challenges in metabolizing certain amino acids from other nutrients, like converting niacin from tryptophan or vitamin A from beta-carotene. This makes their nutritional requirements more stringent.

Enhance Your Cat's Diet with Cat Mix
So, how can you be confident that your feline companion is receiving balanced nutrition? While high-quality commercial foods offer a starting point, food supplements serve as an excellent way to make sure your pets obtain all the vitamins and minerals needed for longevity and health.

Our Cat Mix supplement is designed to fill in the nutritional gaps in your cat's diet. With just two scoops per day, this formula provides a comprehensive array of vitamins to keep your pet vibrant and strong. Unlike many commercial pet foods, Cat Mix includes high-grade nutrients often found in human supplements—such as flavonoids, amino acids, antioxidants, probiotics, essential fatty acids, and methylation enhancers.

In summary, Life Extension's Cat Mix offers a premium blend of nutrients, ensuring that your cat receives the same high-quality ingredients that go into all of our health products. Trust Cat Mix to protect and sustain your pet's health.

Fakten ergänzen
Serviergröße 2 Schaufeln (ca. 1.176 Gramm)
Portionen pro Behälter ca. 85
Menge pro Portion
Vitamin C 25 mg
Vitamin e 5 IU
Grüner Teeextrakt (Blatt) (bietet 980 mcg Polyphenole) 1 mg

Super Ernährung
Rosmarin-, Thymian- und Salbei -Extrakte 10 mg

Essentielle Vitamine
Thiamin 2 mg 
Riboflavin 1 mg
Niacin 2,5 mg
Pantothensäure 2 mg
Vitamin B6 2 mg 
Vitamin B12 2 mcg
Folsäure 500 mcg

Taurin 150 mg
L-Arginin 75 mg

Proteinsynthese und Wasserausgleich 
Trimethylglycin (TMG) (als Betain wasserfrei) 25 mg

Probiotisches Konzentrat 3 mg
[L. Acidophilus, L. Plantarum, B. bifidum, B. lactis (Bereitstellung von 250 Millionen KFU †)]

Gemischte Carotinoide
Vitamin A Betatene®1 95.5 IU

Glukosestoffwechsel und Langlebigkeit 
Alpha -Liponsäure 500 mcg
Ingredients: Egg Yolk Powder, Taurine, L-Arginine, Betaine Anhydrous, Ascorbic Acid, Folic Acid, Maltodextrin, D-Alpha toCopheryl Succinate, Dicalcium Phosphate, Probiotics (L. Acidophilus, L. B.B. B. , Rosemary Extract, Sage Extract, Thyme Extract, Niacin , D-Calcium-Pantothenat, Pyridoxin-HCl, Thiamin-HCl, Greeneextrakt, Riboflavin, Betats ® [Beta-Carotin mit gemischten Carotinoiden (Alflhas. Liponsäure, Methylcobalamin.

Enthält Eier, Fisch (Tilapia).
† Kolonie bilden Einheiten zum Zeitpunkt der Herstellung
1 - Die Betatene® ist eine eingetragene Marke von Basf SE.

Dosierung und Verwendung
Mischen Sie für Katzen, die sechs bis neun Pfund wiegen, zwei (2) Schaufeln pro Tag in das Essen Ihres Haustieres. Die Menge nach Gewicht einstellen.
Nach dem Öffnen kühlen. Die Dichte kann variieren.
Dieses Produkt bedeutet nicht, die tierärztliche Versorgung zu ersetzen. Jedes Tier, das nicht auf Ernährungstherapie reagiert, sollte von einem lizenzierten, kompetenten Tierarzt gesehen werden. Informieren Sie immer Ihren Tierarzt, wenn Ihr Tier eine Ergänzung dachtelt.

Scheiden von Kindern außerhalb der Reichweite
Überschreiten Sie die empfohlene Dosis nicht
Kaufen Sie nicht, wenn die äußere Siegel gebrochen oder beschädigt ist

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