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UNO Vita Infrarødt Ultra -Low -EMF -Saunaschlepper

kr 6.320 NOK - (excl. VAT)
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Uno Vita far-infrared low EMF sauna blanket
Health and beauty – life quality improver

How does the sauna blanket heat the body?
Infrared sauna blankets harness the power of far-infrared light. As potent as they are, the wavelengths of far-infrared light are invisible to the naked eye. It is a natural form of heat and the same type of heat energy we get from the sun. The infrared energy has a thermal effect on your body, gently heating it from the inside as it penetrates the skin. The infrared heat radiates outwards from the heating element, through the walls of the blanket, and absorbed by your body. The heat energy boosts blood circulation to deliver all the nutrients the body needs to recover, penetrates deep to relax tense muscles, and heals damaged tissues. Therefore far-infrared is used for powerful tissue healing and muscle recovery. The Uno Vita far-infrared sauna blanket has built in technology to effectively reduce EMF to the lowest possible level on the market. You are safe and well protected when you use our far-infrared blanket.

Far-infrared benefits
Infrared sauna therapy heats the body directly rather than simply warming the air, it raises the core body temperature and produces a deep, detoxifying sweat at the cellular level, where most toxins reside. Infrared also aids in blood pressure reduction and weight loss (burning up to six hundred calories in one 40-minute sessions). Examples of health effects:

  • Raise Heart Rate
  • Improve Circulation
  • Balances Blood Pressure
  • Support the Immune System
  • Improve detoxification
  • Reduces Inflammation
  • Weight Reduction
  • Makes the Skin Glow
  • Releases feel-good chemicals (endorphins)
  • Reduce Stress
  • Improve Mood
  • Reduce Aches and Pains
  • Reduce Rheumatic Conditions
  • Speed Up Recovery After Exercise
  • Improve/reduce chronic fatigue syndrome

Studies show that these long wavelengths of light penetrate deep into your body. It triggers an energy-carrying molecule called adenosine triphosphate or ATP. ATP provides your cells with the energy needed to thrive, resulting in many benefits for the user.

Crystal therapy used in thousands of years
People tend to enjoy the energy of being around certain crystals, but their ability does far beyond this. Our healthy wave mats (embedded in the heat blanket) contain of a variety of crystal such as Amethyst, Jade, and Tourmaline. When heated these crystals function as the catalyst to create far infrared rays and will also generate negative ions. Crystals are not simple rocks as many of them carry energetic properties, such as amethyst which is superconductive and generates its own small magnetic field, or tourmaline which generates piezoelectricity when agitated (aka heating). Jade produces 4500 negative ions per square cm. Amethyst generates 9600 negative ions per square cm. Tourmaline generate 9600 negative ions per cm.

Negative and are the essential building blocks of every atom. Nature is full of negative ions and an abundance of them are found in forests near waterfalls and other bodies of water. In the modern environment in homes, office buildings and cities there is typically a shortage of negative ions and abundance of their opposite, positive ions. When people have a surplus of negative ions around them, they typically feel better, calmer, more relaxed, happier, and can even increase our energy. Negative ions can even help clean the air from germs, allergens, dust, and mold but neutralizing them in the air. Therefore, when you are out in nature you feel so much better; it is because of the negative ions. Sauna blanket can be an excellent source of negative ions. With the use of crystals such as amethyst, tourmaline and jade we are emerged in a sea of negative ions. This is an excellent way to receive your negative ions because when lying on the mat they are delivered directly to you.

What are Near Zero EMF heat emitters?
Our product use an advance "Near Zero EMF technology"
This significantly reduces the amount of EMF exposure resulting in ultra-low EM
The critical manufacturing process of Near Zero EMF Heat Emitters incorporate a method that extensively reduces the amount of EMF released
As the magnetic field passes through the carbon heat emitter, it is greatly neutralized, resulting in Near Zero EMF being generated.
Each sauna blankets pre-assembled and thoroughly inspected/tested by a superior Quality Control Team before the product is packaged and shipped.

What is zero EMF in infrared saunas?
Low EMF stands for low electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic Fields are measured in milligauss (mG). According to the EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), human exposure should never exceed three milligauss. While inside an infrared sauna, the EMF levels are virtually undetectable.

With ultra-sensitive EMF testing equipment, each heater in Infrared Saunas is assessed to ensure that the levels of EMF are safe for human use.

Merkmale in der UNO Vita Long Infrarot Sauna Decke
Der Kern der Sauna -Decken bestimmt das Leben des Teppichs.

36000 PCs. Echte Kohlefaserheizungen emittieren 4-1s µm (Wellenlänge lange Infrarotwärme). Die Angelegenheit hat einen erhöhten Temperaturbeständigkeit, ist wasserdicht und gut isoliert. Die Technologie wird in Japan entwickelt.
Alle Sauna -Spitzen haben vor der Produktion einen 25.000 -fachen Biegetest und einen eletrischen Test von 3000 Volt -Tests bestanden.
Die geschätzte Lebensdauer beträgt 8-10 Jahre

Kohlefaser -Sichtheizung
Kohlefaser ist ein neues Fasermaterial, das eine hohe Intensität ausbalancierte Wärme bietet. Nachdem die Strahlen vom Körper absorbiert wurden, verursachen sie in den Wassermolekülen Resonanz ("nüchtern"). Der Effekt stärkt die Bindungskraft zwischen Molekülen, was zur Aktivierung von Bio -Makromolekülen führt. Die Resonanz von Molekülen liefert Wärmeenergie aus den Infrarotwellen und dringt tief in die Haut ein und erhöht die Temperatur des Gewebes. Die erzeugte Wärme ist nach außen verteilt und kann die Kapillargefäße vergrößern, die Durchblutung erhöhen, den Stoffwechsel beschleunigen, die Regenerationskapazität des Organismus verbessern und das Immunsystem stärken und damit eine gute Gesundheit fördern.

Technische Daten

180 x 180 cm Netz
Gewicht: 8,5 kg
Effekt: 600 Watts
Volt: 230 Volt/50 Hz
Lange Infrarotwellenlängen: 5-14 µm
Zeitmanagement: 1-60 Minuten
Infrarotfläche: 5-14 µm
Magnetfeld: <0,2 mg
Elektrisches Feld: 0,2-2 V/m

Besteht hauptsächlich aus lösungsmittelfreiem Material, geruchlos, feuer und wasserdicht, niedrig, sanft für Körper und Haut.



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